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🌟 Login Page – check out the latest updates!

We are thrilled to announce that our login page has undergone a transformation! Now we welcome you with the new logo of ExpertSender EMP – Email Marketing Platform. This change is not only visual but also a testament to our continuous strive for excellence.

🔗 Knowledge at your fingertips: In the footer of the page, you will now find direct links to:

  • EMP Documentation,
  • API Documentation,
  • Our company blog,
  • Instructional videos.

These resources are placed to support you in effectively using the ExpertSender EMP platform.

🛠 Enhancements for a better experience:

  • No Automatic Logout: For your convenience, we have disabled the automatic logout feature. Now you can spend more time on the platform without interruptions.
  • Improved UX in DNS Verification Process: We have introduced a pop-up notifying about the start of the DNS verification process. Additionally, in the “DNS Records” table, you will now find a column “Last Checked,” which will show you the date and time of the last verification.