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Predefined variables

The following table lists all the predefined variables you can use in your DC statements:

Variable nameTypeDescription
SubscriberIdintUnique id of the subscriber in the ExpertSender System
SubscriberEmailstringSubscriber email
SubscriberEmailMd5stringMD5 of subscriber email
SubscriberEmailSha256stringSHA256 of subscriber email
SubscriberNamestringFull name of the subscriber (first name and last name)
SubscriberDomainFamilystringReturns subscriber domain family
SubscriberFirstnamestringFirst name of the subscriber
SubscriberLastnamestringLast name of the subscriber
SubscriberTrackingCodestringTracking code for the subscriber
SubscriberGeoCountrystringGeoIP determined country
SubscriberGeoStatestringGeoIP determined state
SubscriberGeoCitystringGeoIP determined city
SubscriberGeoZipCodestringGeoIP determined zip code
SubscriberSignupIpstringIP address from which subscriber signed up to the list.
SubscriberSignupDateTimedatetime?Date and time of subscriber signing up to the list. System.DateTime object, suitable for date calculations, comparisons etc.
SubscriberCustomIdstringUnique id of the subscriber that can be assigned by the user
SubscriberPhonestringSubscriber phone number (when SMS/MMS channel is enabled)
SubscriberLastActivitydatetimeLast known activity date in any channel
SubscriberLastMessageAlldatetimeThe date when the last message was sent through any channel to a subscriber
SubscriberLastEmaildatetimeThe date when the last email message was sent to a subscriber
SubscriberLastOpenEmaildatetimeThe date of the last known open of an email message by a subscriber
SubscriberLastClickEmaildatetimeThe date of the last known click of an email message by a subscriber
SubscriberLastSmsMmsdatetimeThe date when the last SMS/MMS message was sent to a subscriber
SubscriberLastClickSmsMmsdatetimeThe date of the last known click of a SMS/MMS message by a subscriber
SenderFromEmailstringSender email address
SenderFromNamestringSender from name
SenderReplyToEmailstringSender reply to email address
SenderReplyToNamestringSender reply to name
SenderIdintId of the business unit used to send the message
MessageIdintId of the message that is being sent out
MessageVersionIdintId of message version that is being sent out. Multiple versions are sent when using split testing.
MessageSubjectstringMessage subject
MessageDayintNumber of day in a month when the message was sent out.
MessageDayOfWeekstringName of the day of the week when the message was sent out (e.g. Monday).
MessageShortDatestringShort version of the date when the message was sent out – e.g. 1/25/2011. The format depends on the regional settings.
MessageLongDatestringLong version of the date when the message was sent out – e.g. Tuesday, ‎January ‎25, ‎2011. The format depends on the regional settings.
MessageMonthstringName of the month when the message was sent out. Format depends on the regional settings.
MessageMonthNumberintMonth (number) when the message was sent out.
MessageYearintYear when the message was sent out.
LinkStandardstringThe domain name portion of the click tracking URL of the business unit, e.g. http://www.yourdomain.com/ .
LinkPreferenceCenterstringPreference Center URL.
LinkUnsubscribestringUnsubscribe URL.
ListNamestringSubscriber list name.
ListFriendlyNamestringFriendly subscriber list name – if different name is defined to be displayed to subscribers than the name of the list in the management panel.
ListIdint?Id of the subscriber list.
SegmentNamestringName of the subscriber segment (available if the message has been sent out to the subscriber segment).
SegmentIdint? (nullable int)Id of the subscriber segment (available if the message has been sent out to the subscriber segment).
CustomerCompanystringSender company name.
CustomerStreetstringSender street address 1.
CustomerStreet2stringSender street address 2.
CustomerZipstringSender zip.
CustomerCitystringSender city.
CustomerStatestringSender state/province.
CustomerCountrystringSender country.
IsViewInBrowserbooleanFlag informing if message is rendered in browser (using «view in browser» feature). This might be helpful for some conditional rendering.
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