A pop-up is a window with graphics that appears to customers visiting your website. Using pop-ups, you can inform customers about ongoing promotions, new products, or encourage them to subscribe to your newsletter. Based on data collected in the platform, you can personalize pop-up content and display it to previously defined customer segments.
Both types of banners work based on data collected from your store’s website. To ensure they display correctly, make sure that Web Tracking channel is properly configured.
Pop-ups – statuses and marketing metrics
You can find the statuses of all created pop-ups and their effectiveness data in the table under Automation > Pop-ups. This allows you to track the results of each pop-up and adjust your sales strategy.
Pop-ups have the following statuses:
- All – this category displays all pop-ups saved in the platform
- Active – shows pop-ups currently running on your website. From this level, you can’t edit the pop-up, but you can preview its design, deactivate, or delete it.
- Inactive – shows pop-ups that aren’t in use. This list doesn’t include drafts. From this level, you can activate any pop-up by clicking the Activate icon.
- Draft – shows pop-ups that are being designed. You can finish the pop-up design by clicking the Edit icon.
- Deleted – shows a collection of all deleted pop-ups. There’s no possibility to restore a pop-up once it’s deleted.
Marketing metrics available in the table:
- Views – shows the total number of pop-up displays during your set timeframe, across all pages of your store.
- Clicked – shows the total number of clicks on the displayed pop-up.
Creating pop-ups
Click the Create new pop-up button on the right side above the table.
At the top, you’ll find a progress bar with pop-up creation stages. The current stage is underlined with a colored line. You can freely move between stages by clicking on them.
After moving to Summary, previous stages might show a dot — this indicates that the stage needs completion.
Step 1: Basic settings
In this section, you’ll enter initial information about how the pop-up should work.
- Give a name to your pop-up, it will be visible in the control panel.
- In the Website section, select the website address where the pop-up should appear from the dropdown menu.
- Choose the Time range for the pop-up — set start and end dates for pop-up display.
- In the Frequency section, you’ll set how often the graphic appears:
- Display once per session — shows the pop-up once during a customer’s visit to your store. If the customer leaves your store by closing the browser tab or window, this ends the session. If they visit again, the pop-up will be displayed.
- Display once per + filter — set how many times per time unit the pop-up should be displayed, e.g., once every 2 days, once every 2 weeks.
- In the Tracking section, you will enable tracking of custom and Google parameters.

Step 2: Behavior
Here you’ll decide in what situation the pop-up will appear. In the Event field, choose one or more of five actions:
- Visit –pop-up will appear when the user enters the page.
- Exit intent – pop-up will appear when the user moves the cursor outside the store window.
- Scroll — pop-up will appear when the user starts scrolling the page. Set a threshold (page scroll depth in %) that will trigger the pop-up.
- Add to cart — pop-up will appear when the user adds an item to cart.
- Remove from cart — pop-up will appear after removing any product from the cart.
In the Display and interaction section, you can enable closing the pop-up by clicking on the background.

In the Conditions field, you’ll set additional requirements that specify when pop-ups appear:
- Page type – click the displayed window and choose the type of subpage where your pop-up should appear, e.g., a product page, a cart page, a payment confirmation page or other pages.
- Page address – three filters will appear to help you set the target page or pages for the pop-up:
- Condition – choose option: equals, starts with, contains, or regular expression. [Regular expression option opens a window for entering up to 10 regular expressions.]
- Value – enter an expression, number, or keyword contained in the page address
- Test value – enter the address of the page or subpage where you want to test the pop-up. After entering, click Test and check if the pop-up appeared on the page.
- Session duration – set the time interval after which the pop-up will appear when a user enters the page, e.g., between 3 and 5 seconds.
- Number of visited pages – set the number of pages after which the pop-up should appear. Also indicate the type of pages the user must have visited for the pop-up to be displayed: any page, product page, cart page, payment confirmation page.

In the Recipients field, you’ll narrow down the number of recipients who will see the pop-up.
- New / returning – choose user type from the dropdown list.
- Customer / non-customer – choose whether the pop-up should be shown to current customers of your store or only to people who aren’t yet your customers.
- Consents – decide how many and what consents recipients must give to see the pop-up. You can choose one or many consents:
- Show to visitors who gave all consents – pop-up will be seen by visitors who gave all consents you selected.
- Show to visitors who didn’t give consents – pop-up will be seen by visitors who didn’t give any of the consents you selected.
- Show to visitors who gave any consents – pop-up will be seen by visitors who gave one of the consents you selected.
- Session source – indicate where customers who will see the pop-up should come from, e.g., specific social media channel, search engine, article linking to the pop-up page. You can also provide a UTM tag for a specific marketing campaign.

Step 3: Content
The editor is used for designing banners. You use the same editor in ECDP for creating emails, forms, and banners.
If this is your first encounter with the platform’s editor in ExpertSender, you’ll find a detailed description of its functions and content blocks in the article: How does the content editor work?
In the editor, you can also create a pop-up with cart contents or recommendations. You’ll find a detailed description in this article: Cart and recommendations in content – step-by-step configuration (link)
«Pop-up» tab
In this tab, you’ll set where the pop-up will appear on computer, phone, or tablet screens and test how the pop-up looks on your page.
In the Pop-up section, you’ll set:
- Position of the pop-up on the page.
- Its Width in pixels, percentages, or automatic.
- Decide if the pop-up should have rounded corners.

In the next sections, you’ll set:
- Content – appearance and position of content displayed in the pop-up.
- Overlay – background color visible behind the pop-up.
- Close button – placement and appearance of the close button visible on the pop-up.
- Links – color, underlining, and change in link appearance on hover.

Step 5: Summary#
This is the final stage of creating pop-ups. Here, you’ll check how your pop-up displays on computer and mobile device screens. Click the Desktop and Mobile icons to switch between views.
On the left side, you’ll find a checklist with elements necessary for publishing the pop-up on your page:
- Elements entered correctly are highlighted in green.
- Elements requiring improvement are in red. You can fix them by clicking the pencil icon.
- Orange marking is added to elements that could work better, but improvements aren’t necessary for displaying the pop-up.
- Blue is usually additional, marketing information that can add value to your content.
At this stage, you can save the created pop-up for later or launch it:
- Save and close – this button will save the message as a draft and take you to the pop-up list in the control panel.
- Activate – clicking this button will publish the pop-up on your page.