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Web push notifications

Web push notifications are a fast and effective way to reach your audience, even if they don’t browse your website. Once they opt in, they will stay updated with your news or promotions directly in their browsers. 

Why use web push to communicate with your customers? 

  • Cost-effective: web pushes are more affordable compared to email or advertising. 
  • Real-time delivery: instantly reaches your audience, even if they are not on your website. 
  • High impact: higher engagement and conversions with impressive open and click rates.
  • Boost engagement: consistent communication encourage repeat visits and customer loyalty. 


Before you can create web push notifications, complete the following steps: 

  1. Set up the web tracking channel, to monitor your website traffic. 
  2. Set up the web push channel on desired page(s) by going to Settings > Web push > Web push.
  3. Obtain user consent: create a consent request to display to users on the selected page. You can do it in Settings > Web push > Consent requests

Create web push notifications 

In the side panel, navigate to Campaigns, then Web push. Click Create new web push to open the editor.

At the top, you’ll find a progress bar highlighting each stage of the notification creation process. The current stage is marked with a colored line. You have the freedom to navigate through the stages in any order, simply click the header of the stage you wish to go to.

Basic settings 

In this section, name your notification, for easy identification in the statistics, and select the page where it should be displayed. 

Next, choose your tracking options. In the Google Analytics and Custom parameters sections you can select indicators to recognize traffic from the web push notification and assess whether the campaign was effective: 

  • Google Analytics – add UTM tags to identify the sent notification as the traffic source. The standard UTM tags read in Google Analytics are source, medium, content, campaign, and term. Learn more about UTM tags in the article… 
  • Custom parameters – if you uniquely mark web push campaigns, add your own parameters here. You can also use dynamic content tags.

Additionally, you can enable link tracking included in web push content and views. Note that we can only track views if you include the logo in your web push notification. 


Web push notifications may vary in appearance depending on the user’s browser and operating system. Our editor ensures your notification looks great everywhere. 

For each element, you will find tips that will help you design an eye-catching notification. 

Personalize notifications with dynamic content 

The editor allows you to personalize your web push notifications using dynamic content. This feature enables you to insert scripting language fragments that will be replaced with specific target content when the notification is sent. 

You can use dynamic content to include personalized details such as the recipient’s name or date of birth, based on the customer data available in ECDP platform.

Personalized content can vary in length and may exceed the character limit. For example, the name «Catherine» has nine characters, while «Ian» has only three.

Character limit 

Character limits differs depending on the operating system and browser configuration. We have standardized these limits to ensure your content is always clearly visible:

  • The title should contain up to 70 characters
  • The notification text should contain up to 141 characters

Here are detailed character limits: 

Platform Title Copy 
Android, Mobile 35 65 
Windows, Chrome 69 139 
Windows, Edge (other) 50 120 
macOS, Safari 49 103 
macOS, Chrome (other) 43 88 

Character limit for buttons

Buttons are supported only in Chrome and Edge browsers. 

Each button must include a call-to-action (CTA) to encourage user interaction. You can use a CTA of any length, but to ensure the text displays fully, follow these guidelines: 

  • 1 button – the text can contain up to 20 characters. 
  • 2 buttons – the text on each button can be up to 13 characters. 

Logo and graphics specification 

The logo appears in all web push notifications across browser, while the image (also called a hero image) is displayed only in Chrome and Edge.

To ensure your graphics are properly displayed in web push notifications, follow these guidelines: 

 File type Dimensions 
Logo JPEG, JPG, SVG, PNG or a static GIF of up to 200 KB. Square image with dimensions at least 192×192 px. 
Graphic (hero image) JPEG, JPG, SVG, PNG or a static GIF of up to 1 MB. Image with an aspect ratio of 2:1, min. 400×200 px. 

Notification preview and browser tests 

Before sending the web push notification, you can preview it in ECDP using two methods:

  1. Preview your web push notification in different browser and operating system configurations. This helps you design and customize the content effectively.
  2. Display your web push notification directly in the browser for a real-time preview.


Notifications can only be sent to users who have consented to receive them. To manage this, set an opt-in prompt for the selected page This request will appear to users in their browsers, prompting them to opt in. You can set up this request under Settings > Web Push > Opt-in prompts.


You can send your web push notifications in two modes:

  • Send now – send notifications right away.
  • Schedule – set a custom schedule for sending. 

Notification lifespan

You can specify the lifespan of the notification, which determines how long the notification remains in the queue before being deleted and marked as undeliverable. This feature is particularly useful for time-sensitive notifications like promotions. 

Here’s how it works: 

  • Set the duration the notification will remain in the queue, with a maximum of 72 hours (3 days). 
  • If the recipient is online, they will receive the notification, and it will be sent according to the schedule. 
  • If the recipient is offline: 
    • The notification will stay in the queue until the recipient comes online. 
    • After the set lifespan expires, the notification will be removed from the queue and will not be sent. 

Web push campaign report 

A report with the results of each campaign becomes available as soon as sending begins. The data will be updated throughout the campaign and will finalize into a static report once the campaign ends.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Where will my web push notifications be displayed? 

Web push notifications created in the ExpertSender CDP platform will appear in browsers on mobile devices and desktops, not within apps. 

No. Users must specifically opt in to receive web push notifications. This consent request appears directly in the browser they use. 

Are web push subscribers visible in the ECDP platform?

Yes. Website visitors who only consent to web pushes will be listed as customers in the platform, even without an email address or phone number.

Why are my web push views at 0? 

This likely means your notification lacked a logo. We only track views for notifications with a logo, the only visual displayed across browsers and operating systems.

Adding a logo is optional, but highly recommended to track web push views. 

How are orders attributed to the web push channel? 

Orders placed during the same session in which the web push notification was clicked are attributed to the web push channel.

Sending web push notifications from a multilingual domain 

When a user consents to receive notifications from multiple language versions of your domain, e.g., www.sklep.com/pl and www.sklep.com/en, notifications will not be duplicated

Users will only receive a notification from the last language version they consented to. This consent overrides any previous ones. 

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