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Possible errors list

This is a list of all errors handled by our system, which can be returned while using available API methods.

Error codeError messageScope
403Supplied API key is invalid.general
400Subscriber data was not supplied.general
400No XML data was supplied.general
400Maximum request length exceeded. Most probable cause is too large number of subscribers in MultiData element. You should not add/update more then 100 subscribers using a single API call.general
400XML data is invalid.general
400Add subscriber mode is invalid.general
400Found duplicated values for property Id: {0}.general
400Subscriber was added to the list during last 30 days but has not confirmed his subscription. You can use «Force» option to resend confirmation email to the subscriber.general
400endDate’ parameter is invalid. Proper format is YYYY-MM-DD.general
400startDate’ parameter is invalid. Proper format is YYYY-MM-DD.general
404Resource with specified ID not found.general
400startDate’ ({0}) is later than ‘endDate’ ({1})general
400Neither ID, email nor custom subscriber ID was specified.general
400Trigger is inactive or was deleted.general
400Trigger type is different than ‘API-triggered’.general
400Email is wrong. Please change the email.general
400Command is invalid. Please put correct command.general
400Cannot parse value for property Id: {0}. Please check if appropriate xsi:type attribute is present (http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/#built-in-primitive-datatypes).general
400endDate’ parameter is required.general
400startDate’ parameter is required.general
400id’ parameter is not a valid number.general
400id’ parameter is required.general
400email’ parameter is required.general
400listId’ parameter is not a valid number.general
404Message Id is invalidgeneral
400Property Id is missing or invalid.general
400Request is invalid.general
400Spam decoy hit.general
400date’ parameter is invalid. Proper format is YYYY-MM-DD.general
400‘date’ parameter is required.general
400type’ parameter is not a valid message type.general
400Segment Id is invalid.general
400‘status’ parameter is incorrect. Correct values are ‘NotConfirmed’, ‘Active’, ‘Unsubscribed’ or ‘Snoozed’general
400Maximum request length exceeded.general
400Message is currently used in a workflow and cannot be deleted.general
400Subscriber matching mode is invalid.general
400SMS channel has to be activated to use element ‘{0}’.general
400Phone number is incorrect. Please change the phone number.general
400‘channel’ parameter is invalid.general
400SMS channel has to be activated to use this methodgeneral
400Web Push channel has to be activated to use this methodgeneral
400Neither ID, email, phone nor custom subscriber ID was specified.general
400The segment count could not be completed. Please validate the segment.general
403API key is incorrect. Please contact ExpertSender staff.general
406Wrong Content type. Content type should be set to text/xmlgeneral
400Value provided in ‘channel’ parameter cannot be applied to specified activity type.general
400‘date’ parameter is invalid. Proper format is YYYY-MM-DD.general
400‘date’ parameter is required.general
400‘type’ parameter is required.general
400Activity type ‘{0}’ is unsupported.general
400Subscriber List {0} has been duplicated.newsletter
400Subscriber List {0} does not exist or has been deleted.newsletter
400ManualThrottlingTime field is missing or invalid. Values from 1 to 72 are allowed.newsletter
400At least one non-empty collection: SubscriberLists, SubscriberSegments, SeedLists is required.newsletter
400Recipients element is required.newsletter
400Seed List {0} has been duplicated.newsletter
400Seed List {0} does not exist or has been deleted.newsletter
400Subscriber Segment {0} has been duplicated.newsletter
400Suppression List {0} is of type ‘{1}’ which is not valid for this message.newsletter
400Suppression List {0} has been duplicated.newsletter
400Suppression List {0} does not exist or has been deleted.newsletter
400ThrottlingMethod field is invalid. Supported methods are: {0}.newsletter
400Timezone field is invalid. Refer to documentation for supported timezones list.newsletter
400Columns with specified names were not found in table: {0}datatables
400Request contains duplicated columns.datatables
400Request does not contain required columns.datatables
400Request contains too many columns.datatables
400Empty values for columns: {0}datatables
400Column values are required.datatables
400Value ({0}) is invalid.datatables
400Limit must be a number > 0datatables
400Row data was not supplied.datatables
400Columns in ‘Order By’ with specified names were not found in table: {0}datatables
400No row matching specified criteria was found.datatables
400Row with specified criteria already existsdatatables
400Data tables that are destination of any relationship cannot be cleared.datatables
400Table with specified name not found.datatables
400Validation error, field type:{0} value:{1}datatables
400Columns in ‘Where Conditions’ with specified names were not found in table : {0}datatables
400This row can’t be deleted because this data table has at least one relationship with another table. If you want to delete this row, you should remove the relationship(s) with this data table first.datatables
400These rows can’t be deleted because this data table has at least one relationship with another table. If you want to delete these rows, you should remove the relationship(s) with this data table first.datatables
400Data is required.exports
400No fields or properties to export were specified.exports
400List ID is required for list exports.exports
400Specified list ID is unknown.exports
400Segment ID is required for segment exports.exports
400Specified segment ID is unknown.exports
400Export type is required.exports
400Unknown export type: ‘{0}’.exports
400Unknown field name: ‘{0}’.exports
400Unknown property ID: ‘{0}’.exports
400Field ‘GoalId’ does not contain a valid number.goals
400Field ‘GoalId’ is required.goals
400Goal with ID: {0} is inactive or deleted.goals
400Goal with ID: {0} was not found in database.goals
400Field ‘GoalValue’ does not contain a valid number.goals
400Field ‘MessageGuid’ does not contain a valid GUID.goals
400Message GUID was not recognized.goals
400Field ‘MessageGuid’ is required.goals
400Goal data was not supplied.goals
400ListId parameter contains an invalid value: {0}.imports
400ScheduledTaskId parameter contains an invalid value: {0}.imports
400SuppressionListId parameter contains an invalid value: {0}.imports
400ReportType parameter contains an invalid value: {0}. Refer to documentation for supported report type values.imports
400ReportType field is required.imports
400Import has not yet been completed. Rejected records list is not available.imports
400Data element is required.imports
400ImportSetup.Comment field is empty or invalid. A single character is expected.imports
400ImportSetup.Delimiter field is empty or invalid. A single character is expected.imports
400ImportSetup.Encoding field is invalid. Refer to documentation for supported encodings list.imports
400ImportSetup.Escape field is empty or invalid. A single character is expected.imports
400ImportSetup.MatchingMode is invalid. Allowed values are «Phone», «Email» or «CustomSubscriberId».imports
400ImportSetup.Mode field is invalid. Refer to documentation for supported import modes list.imports
400ImportSetup.Quote field is empty or invalid. A single character is expected.imports
400Mapping invalid. Either Column.Field or Column.Property is required.imports
400Mapping invalid. Duplicate mapping found for {0} field.imports
400Mapping invalid. Value in MatchingMode was not mapped.imports
400Mapping invalid. Unknown field: {0}.imports
400Mapping invalid. Unknown property with ID: {0}.imports
400Source element is required.imports
400Source.Url field is not a valid URL address.imports
400Source.Url field is required.imports
400Source.Url field is too long. {0} characters max.imports
400ubscriber List {0} does not exist or has been deleted.imports
400Target.Name field is required.imports
400Target element is required.imports
400Password may not be longer than {0} characters.imports
400Synchronization is forbidden for units with SMS/MMS integration enabledimports
400Charset field is invalid. Supported charsets are: {0}.lists
400ClickTrackingDomain field is invalid.lists
400ConfirmationEmail.FromEmail field is invalid.lists
400ConfirmationEmail.FromEmail field is required.lists
400ConfirmationEmail.FromName field is required.lists
400ConfirmationEmail.Html field does not contain required element: *[link_confirm]*.lists
400ConfirmationEmail.Html field does not contain required element: *[link_confirm]*.lists
400ConfirmationEmail.Plain field does not contain required element: *[link_confirm]*.lists
400ConfirmationEmail.Plain field is required.lists
400ConfirmationEmail.AmpHtml field does not contain required element: *[link_confirm]*.lists
400ConfirmationEmail.Subject field is required.lists
400FriendlyName field is too long. 100 characters max.lists
400GeneralSettings element is required.lists
400Language field is invalid. Supported languages are: {0}.lists
400Data element is required.lists
400Name field is required.lists
400List name is too long. 100 characters max.lists
400The number of subscriber’s lists reached a limit of 32767. Please contact ExpertSender customer support.lists
400OptInMode field is invalid. Supported modes are: {0}.lists
400PreferencesChangeUrl is not a valid URL address.lists
400Reminder{0}.FromEmail field is invalid.lists
400Reminder{0}.FromEmail field is required.lists
400Reminder{0}.FromName field is required.lists
400Reminder{0}.Html field does not contain required element: *[link_confirm]*.lists
400Reminder{0}.Html field is required.lists
400Reminder{0}.AmpHtml field does not contain required element: *[link_confirm]*.lists
400Reminder1.Interval is higher than or equal to the Reminder2.Intervallists
400Reminder{0}.Interval is too high.lists
400Reminder{0}.Interval field is invalid.lists
400Reminder{0}.Interval is too low.lists
400Reminder{0}.Interval field is required.lists
400Reminder{0}.Plain field does not contain required element: *[link_confirm]*.lists
400Reminder{0}.Plain field is required.lists
400Reminder{0}.Subject field is required.lists
400RemovalPageUrl is not a valid URL address.lists
400Reminder1 is required in case of Reminder2 is defined.lists
400SubscriptionConfirmPageUrl is not a valid URL address.lists
400SubscriptionThankYouPageUrl is not a valid URL address.lists
400List was deleted.lists
400List name cannot be empty.lists
400Attachment ‘Content’ field is required.newsletters
400Attachment ‘FileName’ field is required.newsletters
400Maximum attachment size for message exceeded. Max is {0}KB.newsletters
400Channel {0} is invalid or unavailable.newsletters
400Channel {0} is invalid or unavailable.newsletters
400Channel.Ip field is missing or empty.newsletters
400Channel.Percentage field is missing or invalid. Allowed values are 1-100.newsletters
400Channels percentage sum should be 100.newsletters
400It is not possible to have both Content From URL and Attachments elements at the same time.newsletters
400Content element is required.newsletters
400Error downloading file from {0}: {1}newsletters
400Dynamic Content Error, field {0}: {1}newsletters
400Footer field is invalid. Footer {0} does not exist or was deleted.newsletters
400FromEmail field is invalid.newsletters
400FromEmail field is required.newsletters
400FtpAuth field is invalid. Supported authentication methods are: {0}.newsletters
400Header field is invalid. Header {0} does not exist or was deleted.newsletters
400Either Html or Plain content must be present.newsletters
400Either Html or Plain content must be present as fallback when sending AMP for Email content.newsletters
400AMP for Email integration is disabled. Please contact ExpertSender staff.newsletters
400Data element is required.newsletters
400Subject field is required.newsletters
400Tag cannot be empty.newsletters
400TimeOptimizationPeriod field is invalid. Allowed values are: 24h, 7d.newsletters
400UrlIntegration does not exist or is deleted.newsletters
400ContentFromUrl.Url is not a valid URL address.newsletters
400ContentFromUrl.Url field is required.newsletters
400System Tags cannot be used as a custom tag. Please change the name of a tag if you use one of the following values: {0}.newsletters
400ListIds parameter contains an invalid value: {0}.DeleteSubscriber
400RemoveTypes parameter contains an invalid value: {0}. Refer to documentation for supported remove types list.DeleteSubscriber
400CampaignDescription field is required.smsNewsletter
400Content element is required.smsNewsletter
400Data element is required.smsNewsletter
400Plain content must be present.smsNewsletter
400Sender ‘{0}’ does not exist or has been deleted.smsNewsletter
400Sender field is required.smsNewsletter
400Tag cannot be empty.smsNewsletter
400System Tags cannot be used as a custom tag. Please change the name of a tag if you use one of the following values: {0}.smsNewsletter
404No active transactional message matching specified criteria was found.snippets
400One of parameters: Id, CustomSubscriberId or Email is required.snoozedSubscribers
400One of parameters: Id, CustomSubscriberId, Email or Phone is required.snoozedSubscribers
400ListIds parameter contains an invalid value: {0}.snoozedSubscribers
400SnoozeWeeks parameter is missing or invalid. Valid values are {0} to {1}.snoozedSubscribers
400Unknown subscriber or invalid CustomSubscriberId value.snoozedSubscribers
400Unknown subscriber or invalid Email value.snoozedSubscribers
400Unknown subscriber or invalid Id value.snoozedSubscribers
400Invalid ListId or subscriber not active on the list.snoozedSubscribers
400Unknown subscriber or invalid Phone value.snoozedSubscribers
404Specified list was not found.subscriber
404Subscriber with {0} — {1} — not found.subscriber
404Subscriber not found on specified list.subscriber
400Unsubscribing from transactional message is not possible.subscriber
400‘{0}’ and ‘{1}’ parameters cannot contain the same value.summaryStatistics
400Value of ‘scope’ parameter is invalid. Please check the documentation for available scopes.summaryStatistics
400Value of ‘scopeValue’ parameter is required if ‘scope’ is specified.summaryStatistics
400scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown domain family name.summaryStatistics
400scopeValue’ parameter contains invalid domain name.summaryStatistics
400scopeValue’ parameter contains invalid Goal ID.summaryStatistics
400scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown Goal ID.summaryStatistics
400Value of ‘grouping’ parameter is invalid. Please check the documentation for available groupings.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown IP address.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains invalid List ID.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown List ID.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown message type. Please check the documentation for valid message types.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains invalid Segment ID.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown Segment ID.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains invalid Vendor. Max 50 characters.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown tag name.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown send time optimization type. Please check the documentation for valid send time optimization types.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown time travel optimization type. Please check the documentation for valid time travel optimization types.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown reading environment type. Please check the documentation for valid reading environment types.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown provider name.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown Sender name.summaryStatistics
400‘scopeValue’ parameter contains unknown MobileOS name.summaryStatistics
400Entry is not a valid dialing prefix.suppresionList
400Entry is not a valid email, domain or MD5.suppresionList
400Entry is not a valid phone number.suppresionList
400‘entryType’ parameter is invalid. Allowed values: ‘phone’ or ‘prefix’.suppresionList
400Data element is required.suppresionList
400Name field is required.suppresionList
400List name is too long. 256 characters max.suppresionList
400ImportRule field is invalid. Supported values are: {0}.suppresionList
400Type field is invalid. Supported values are: {0}.suppresionList
400type parameter value is invalid. Valid values are: Header, Footer.templates
400‘Content’ field for ‘{0}’ attachment does not contain valid, Base64 encoded binary data.transactionals
400Attachment ‘Content’ field is required.transactionals
400Attachment ‘FileName’ field is required.transactionals
400List does not exist in the database or was deleted.transactionals
400Receivers data was not supplied.transactionals
400Subscriber does not exist in the database.transactionals
400{0}: Subscriber email is invalid.transactionals
400Transactional message is inactive or was deleted.transactionals
400Subscriber has unsubscribed from the list.transactionals
400Subscriber is blacklisted.transactionals
400Subscriber {0} is blacklistedtransactionals
400Email MD5 is invalidtransactionals
400Email SHA256 is invalidtransactionals
400Channel {0} is invalid or unavailable.transactionals
400Channel.Ip field is missing or empty.transactionals
400Channel.Percentage field is missing or invalid. Allowed values are 1-100.transactionals
400Channels percentage sum should be 100.transactionals
400It is not possible to have both Content From URL and Attachments elements at the same time.transactionals
400Content element is required.transactionals
400Error downloading file from {0}: {1}transactionals
400Footer field is invalid. Footer {0} does not exist or was deleted.transactionals
400FromEmail field is invalid.transactionals
400FromName field is required.transactionals
400FtpAuth field is invalid. Supported authentication methods are: {0}.transactionals
400Header field is invalid. Header {0} does not exist or was deleted.transactionals
400Either Html or Plain content must be present.transactionals
400Either Html or Plain content must be present as fallback when sending AMP for Email content.transactionals
400AMP for Email integration is disabled. Please contact ExpertSender staff.transactionals
400Subject field is required.transactionals
400Suppression List {0} does not exist or has been deleted.transactionals
400Tag cannot be empty.transactionals
400Data element is required.transactionals
400UrlIntegration does not exist or is deleted.transactionals
400ContentFromUrl.Url is not a valid URL address.transactionals
400ContentFromUrl.Url field is required.transactionals
400Maximum attachment size for message exceeded. Max is 400KB.transactionals
400Transactional message is draft or was deleted.transactionals
400Message is currently used in a workflow and cannot be updated.transactionals
400GoogleAnalyticsTags elements have too long values. Max is 255 characters.transactionals
400Attachment’s FileName is too long. Max is 256 characters.transactionals
400Channel IP «{0}» has been duplicated.transactionals
400Receiver element is required.transactionals
400Channel configuration for message {0} is invalid. Please check and correct the configuration before sending.transactionals
400No email address for Subscriber with Id {0}.transactionals
400One of parameters: Id, Email or EmailMd5 is required.transactionals
400System Tags cannot be used as a custom tag. Please change the name of a tag if you use one of the following values: {0}.transactionals
400Data element is required.webpush
400Content element is required.webpush
400Subject element is required.webpush
400Body element is required.webpush
400Link element is required.webpush
400Url and Title is missing in Action{0} element.webpush
400Url is required in Action elementwebpush
400Title is required in Action{0} element.webpush
400If you want to enable Open Tracking you need to provide icon imagewebpush
400Tag cannot be empty.webpush
400Url for Icon/BigImage/Action1 Icon/Action2 Icon is not a valid URL addresswebpush
400File in {0} is not an image (PNG,JPEG)webpush
400Icon element is required when open tracking is enabledwebpush
400FileName for Icon/BigImage/Action1 Icon/Action2 Icon is not a valid file namewebpush
400Field ‘CustomEventId’ does not contain a valid number.workflowsCustomEvents
400Field ‘CustomEventId’ is required.workflowsCustomEvents
400Custom event with ID: {0} is inactive or deleted.workflowsCustomEvents
400Custom event with ID: {0} was not found in database.workflowsCustomEvents
400DataField ‘Name’ field is required.workflowsCustomEvents
400‘Name’ field in DataField must be unique. Invalid values: {0}workflowsCustomEvents
400‘Name’ field value for DataField ‘{0}’ is too long.workflowsCustomEvents
400‘Type’ field value for DataField ‘{0}’ is invalid.workflowsCustomEvents
400‘Type’ field is required for DataField ‘{0}’.workflowsCustomEvents
400Value’ field value for DataField ‘{0}’ is invalid.workflowsCustomEvents
400‘Value’ field is required for DataField ‘{0}’.workflowsCustomEvents
400‘Value’ field value for DataField ‘{0}’ is too long.workflowsCustomEvents
400Custom event data was not supplied.workflowsCustomEvents
400Subscriber with specified custom id was not found. Make sure ‘CustomSubscriberId’ field is valid and contains id of an existing subscriber.workflowsCustomEvents
400Field ‘SubscriberEmail’ does not contain a valid email.workflowsCustomEvents
400Subscriber with specified email was not found. Make sure ‘SubscriberEmail’ field is valid and contains email of an existing subscriber.workflowsCustomEvents
400Field ‘SubscriberId’ does not contain a valid number.workflowsCustomEvents
400Subscriber with specified ID was not found. Make sure ‘SubscriberId’ field is valid and contains Id of existing subscriber.workflowsCustomEvents
400No subscriber information. Please specify ‘SubscriberId’, ‘CustomSubscriberId’, ‘SubscriberEmail'{0}.workflowsCustomEvents
400Field ‘SubscriberPhone’ does not contain a valid phone number.workflowsCustomEvents
400Subscriber with specified phone number was not found. Make sure ‘SubscriberPhone’ field is valid and contains phone number of an existing subscriber.workflowsCustomEvents
400Field ‘SubscriberWebPushId’ does not contain a valid guid.workflowsCustomEvents
400Subscriber with specified Web Push ID was not found. Make sure ‘SubscriberWebPushId’ field is valid and contains Web Push ID of an existing subscriber.workflowsCustomEvents