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Subscriber reports for the SMS/MMS channel

To access subscriber reports, select Reports > SMS/MMS Subscribers from the left-hand navigation. You will see the following view:

The subscriber report indicates:

  • List size — the total number of subscribers in a list at the end of a period;
  • Growth — the difference between the number of added and deleted users; it can take a negative value;
  • Added — the total number of subscribers added into the database in the analyzed period;
    • UI — subscribers entered into the system manually;
    • Import — subscribers added via import or via automatic tasks;
    • API — subscribers added via the API;
    • Web — subscribers who filled out a web form;
  • Removed — the total number of subscribers who have left the base in the analyzed period;
    • Opt-out — subscribers who click on the ExpertSender Unsubscribe link;
    • User — subscribers removed from the system manually (via the UI);
    • Bounce limit — subscribers who have reached the limit of soft bounces (to set up this value, select Settings > Business Unit > General from the left-hand navigation and enter the required value under Soft bounce limit);
    • Spam — people who clicked on the Spam button in the mail client interface;
    • User unknown — subscribers removed from the database due to a nonexistent email address (hard bounce);
    • Blacklist — subscribers who have clicked on the Spam button in the email client interface and those whom you have added to the blacklist yourself within the ExpertSender platform;
    • API — subscribers removed via the API;
  • Bots — bots that fall into the trap (spam decoy) when filling out a subscription form (see Webforms for more detail);


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