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Web Module reports: popups

ExpertSender Web Module allows you to access detailed information and statistics about the popups which you are using on your websites.

How to access popup reports?#

To access popup reports, select Reports > Popups from the left-hand navigation.

Afterwards, the following view will be displayed:

The reports contains the following data:

  • Views — the number of times the popup was viewed
  • Clicks — the number of times a link in the popup was clicked
  • Submissions (successful %) — the number of submissions of the webform embedded in the popup
  • Transactions — the number of transactions completed after the popup was displayed
  • Potential value — the total value of abandoned baskets
  • Converted value — the total value of sales related to ExpertSender Web Module activity

Note that it is possible to group the data by date, month, website, popup, term, and currency.
