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Web Push summary reports

ExpertSender allows you to access detailed information and statistics about all Web Push notifications sent from your account.

How to access Web Push summary reports?#

To access Web Push summary reports, select Reports > Web Push Summary from the left-hand navigation.

Web Push summary reports#

Afterwards, the following view will be displayed:

The report contains the following data:

  • Sent — delivered + bounces
  • Bounces — in Web Push, a bounce is each 4XX server response other than 410 (which means unsubscription)
  • Delivered
  • Opens — all opens, including several opens by one subscriber
  • Unique opens — number of unique subscribers who opened the message
  • Clicks — all clicks, including several clicks by one subscriber
  • Unique clicks — number of first clicks on any link by any subscriber
  • Clickers — number of unique subscribers who clicked on any link in any message
  • Unsubscriptions — the number of 410 server responses
  • Goals — the number of times the landing page was reached
  • Goals value — the values with which the landing page was achieved

Opens vs. Unique opens#

If one subscriber opens the same notification three times, it will appear in the statistics as three opens and one unique open.

Clicks vs. Unique clicks vs. Clickers#

 If a user clicks five times on each of two given links, ten clicks will be counted, two unique clicks and one clicker.
