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All your customers’ and platform users’ activities are saved in this section. You can track them over time in three tabs: panel logs, website activity and session events. 

Panel logs 

In this tab, you can check the actions of users who have been grated access to the platform to conduct marketing activities. A log is a specific type of electronic journal in which all actions are recorded. The log makes it easier to identify the activity that, e.g., caused a problem with sending emails, operating the platform, etc. 

For easy reading of the log data, we have organized it in a table with the following columns: 

  • Log ID,
  • Created – Date and time of log creation,
  • URL to which the event relates,
  • Method of obtaining information for the log, based on API – POST, GET,
  • Status – i.e., the code of a given action,
  • User email,
  • The IP address from which the user came,
  • Preview of details of a given action – additional information, such as user ID, information processing time. 

Log statuses 

Log statuses are displayed in the form of codes indicating the success of a given action or an error:

Status Description
200 Success – the request was processed successfully. This means that the action you performed was successful. 
302Redirect – the request was redirected to another page because the target page is temporarily unavailable. 
403Forbidden – the request was not completed because the user does not have access to the content he/she wanted to access. 
500Internal server error – the request was not completed due to an internal server error.

Website activity 

The logs in this tab allow you to check what activity the customer performed on your online store’s website. For logs to be recorded, you must have the Web Tracking channel properly configured

If you host several pages in the platform, they will appear in the selection box at the top of the table. 

The table displays the following information: 

  • Log ID
  • Created – Date and time when the entry was created. 
  • Visitor ID – Unique identifying number assigned to the client. 
  • Session ID – Number assigned to the session on your website. 
  • Event type
    • VisitOnWebsite – Visit on any store page. 
    • VisitOnProductPage – Visit on the product page. 
    • VisitOnCartListPage – Visit on the cart page. 
    • VisitOnLoginPage – Visit on the login page. 
    • ModifyCart – Cart content modification. 
    • VisitOnSalePage – Visit on the purchase confirmation page. 
  • Visitor’s email. 
  • Active session – Information whether a given session is still ongoing. 

In the last column there is a button displaying detailed information about the recorded event, e.g., session ID, its start and end dates, number of displayed products or cart value.

Session events 

In this tab you can find information related to the customer’s activity in your online store, regarding specific events, e.g., abandoning the cart, browsing or purchasing. For logs to be recorded you must have the Web Tracking channel properly configured

The table displays the following information: 

  • Log ID
  • Created – Date and time when the entry was created. 
  • Visitor ID – Unique identifying number assigned to the client. 
  • Event type
    • AbandonedBrowse – Abandoning product browsing. 
    • AbandonedCart – Abandoning the cart with products. 
    • FinalizedTransaction – Finalizing transaction (purchase). 
  • Visitor’s email. 

In the last column, there is a button displaying detailed information about the recorded event. 

API logs 

Here you can find all recorded API requests related to the business unit you manage. 

The table displays the following information: 

  • Log ID
  • Created – Date of log creation. 
  • URL – URL element indicating what the API query was about: 
    • /customers – Query related to customer data. 
    • /orders – Query related to orders. 
    • /scenariocustomevents – Query related to custom events in scenarios. 
  • Method – Functions used to operate on data. The available methods are: 
    • POST – Adding data. 
    • GET – Obtaining data from the server. 
    • PUT – Data update. 
    • DELETE – Deleting data. 
  • Status – Server feedback on the query. The server returns a response in the form of codes, the meaning of which is described in the API log statuses section. 
  • API key – A unique set of characters assigned to a given business unit, used to authorize queries you send to our server. 
  • IP address – A unique number of devices connected to the network and using the IP protocol from which the API request was sent. 
  • Preview of details of a given action – additional information, such as the full query ID or information processing time.

API log statuses 

Log statuses are displayed in the form of codes indicating the success of a given action or an error: 

200Success – The query has been processed, the server returned a response.
201Created –  A resource, e.g., a new customer or a new order, has been created on the server.
400Bad request – The request was not processed. The reason is usually a missing or incorrect parameter, such as email, phone number, etc. 
401 Unauthorized – The request was missing an API key or you are requesting access to information that you do not have permission to access. 
403Forbidden – The request is valid, but you are requesting access to information that you do not have permission to access.
404 Not found – The data you are looking for is not on the server.
500 Internal server error – The query was not processed due to an unexpected server error.

SMS logs 

This section contains all details about SMS error messages: 

  • Log ID. 
  • Created – Date of log creation. 
  • Gateway – Name of the gateway from which the message with an error was sent. 
  • Sender – Name of the sender using a given gateway. 
  • Customer’s telephone number – The number that returned the error. 
  • Error – Code and content of the SMS message error.