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Preference Center

The Preference Center is a landing page where your customers can manage their personal details and consent for marketing communication. It displays attributes and consents that are relevant to them.

To access the Preference Center, customers need to click the link provided in the footer of the email message.

Before allowing customers to make changes, you need to decide which attributes and consents will be available in the Preference Center.

How to set up the Preference Center

First, choose the attributes and consents to be displayed in the Preference Center.

Go to Settings > Landing pages > Preference Center. You will see two tables displayed, one below the other.

Choosing attributes for the Preference Center

The first table shows all the custom and system attributes that can be displayed in the Preference Center:

  • In the first column, select the attributes you want to appear in the Preference Center. You can arrange them by using the ‘drag & drop’ function represented by the = icon.
  • Name – displays the attribute’s name as defined in the platform. Click its name to enter editing mode. You can only change Name for custom attributes.
  • Display name – specifies the name under which the attribute will be visible in the Preferences Center. Click Edit icon to make changes.
  • Type – system, custom – indicates whether the attribute is a system attribute or a custom attribute.
  • Edit – enables editing mode for the selected attribute. Any changes made will also be saved in Settings > Consents.

Remember to save your work! You will find the Save button at the bottom of the page.

How to edit an attribute?

  1. Choose an attribute and click Edit. A window will open.
  2. Edit:
    • Name – only applicable for custom attributes.
    • Display name – applicable for both system and custom attributes.
    • Choose whether the attribute should be visible in Preference Center.
  3. Save changes.

Choosing consents for the Preference Center

Below the attribute grid table, you will find a table with consents. This is where you manage the consents to be displayed in the Preference Center:

  • In the first column, select the consent you want to appear in the Preference Center. You can rearrange them by using the ‘drag & drop’ function represented by the = icon.
  • Name – displays the consent’s name as defined in the platform. Click the name to enter editing mode.
  • Display name – specifies the name under which the consent will be visible in the Preference Center. Click the Edit icon to make changes.
  • Type – general or email-related – displays consent’s application.
  • Edit – enables editing mode for the selected consents. Any changes made will also be saved in Settings > Customers > Custom attributes.

Remember to save your work! You will find the Save button at the bottom of the page.

  1. Choose an attribute and click Edit. A window opens.
  2. Edit:
    • Name given while adding consent to the platform.
    • Display name.
    • Description, by adding details about the consent, such as when it should be used.
    • If the consent is required for the customer to receive email messages.
    • Choose whether the attribute should be visible in Preference Center.
  3. Save changes.

The Preference Center will appear in the language your customer selects in their browser. For example, if they choose English, the Preference Center will be displayed in English.

The link to the Preference Center is usually placed in the email footer. You can find a detailed description of how to do this in the article: How to add a Preference Center link to your email?

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