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In the RFM section, you can enter the settings for the RFM analysis model and check the calculation logs for the model(s) you have already set. 

RFM model settings

In the side menu go to Settings > RFM and select the Model settings tab. 

In the RFM matrix size field select the item – currently we have one matrix size available: 5 x 5 x 5 fields. 

In the Time period field select the period to be taken into account in your RFM analysis. You can only select from the following time frames: 2 years, 1 year, 6 months, 5 months, 4 months. 

In the Score ranges section select how scores will be awarded for the Recency, Frequency and Monetary dimensions. There are two ways to award points: 

  • Automatic calculation of ranges based on quintiles – This is a quantitative method with the calculation based on statistical parameters. 
  • Manually setting ranges – You set your own score for each dimension. 

You can set the same or mixed calculation method for all dimensions. 

When you select Specify ranges manually, a table will appear. Here you can enter scores for 5 customer buckets, with 1 being the lowest-scoring customer and 5 being the best-performing one. For each dimension scoring will be based on: 

  • Recency – Number of days passed since the customer’s last order. 
  • Frequency – Number of orders placed in the analyzed time period. 
  • Monetary – Value of orders placed in the analyzed time period in the currency selected when creating your ExpertSender account. 

The selected score range is visualized in the RFM Segments section. Here you will find 11 statuses to which your customers are assigned, depending on the score awarded in the three dimensions mentioned: 

  • Champions 
  • Loyal 
  • Potential loyalists 
  • New customers 
  • Promising 
  • Need attention 
  • About to sleep 
  • At risk 
  • Cannot lose them 
  • Hibernating customers 
  • Lost customers 

Each score consists of three digits corresponding to the recency, frequency and monetary dimensions. If the scoring arrangement does not reflect the characteristics of your business, you can change it by dragging the scoring tiles to a different status. 

Below the table there is a Reset scores to default values button, which resets the changes made, replacing them with system settings.

RFM calculation logs

Here you can access the calculation logs, i.e., the RFM model update log. We update it once a day, at a fixed time. You will find a list of all activities in the table with the following columns: 

  • ID – Ordinal number of a given log. 
  • RFM matrix size – Matrix size specified in the RFM model settings. 
  • Time period – Given in months, specified in the RFM model settings, e.g., 2 years is 24 months. 
  • Created – Date of log creation. 
  • Started – Date when log calculation was started. 
  • Completed – Date when log calculation was completed. 
  • Status – Possible statuses: Queued, In Progress, Completed, Error. 
  • Error description – When the calculation ends with an error, the message «RFM calculation for unit {unitId} failed. Error: {errorMessage}» will appear in this line. Contact your account manager to check the cause of the error and solve the problem. 

Above the table, on the left-hand side, there is a Calculate now button. Clicking it will force your RFM model to be updated at that specific moment. Subsequent logs will be automatically calculated from this hour. 

How often do we recalculate the data in the RFM model?

The RFM analysis model is recalculated once a day. This ensures that the data is always up-to-date, allowing your campaigns and messages to consistently reach the right customers.