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Scenario statistics and email content reports 

You can access detailed statistics for each scenario and email content in the following tables: 

  • List of scenarios – in the last column, under the Statistics icon. 
  • List of email contents – in the last column, under the Reports icon. 

Scenario statistics

In the List of scenarios table, click the Statistics icon in the last column by the selected scenario.

In the scenario statistics, you will find the following information grouped into two sections:

  1. The top panel displays data summarizing the performance of the scenario:
    • Revenue obtained with a given scenario, displayed in your unit’s default currency.
    • Orders – The number of orders placed by customers in that scenario.
    • Entered – The number of customers who entered the scenario.
    • Active – The number of customers currently in the scenario.
    • Exited – The number of customers who left the scenario before it ended.
    • Finished – The number of customers who completed the scenario.
  1. A diagram showing your designed scenario along with the number of customers moving between its stages. Click on a selected stage to view its settings. 
    • The diagram includes an animation of your customer flow. Before each stage of the scenario, you can see the number of customers who entered it.
    • Additionally, before each stage, you can see the percentage of customers from the previous stage who were in a given segment (OR what percentage of customers from the previous stage entered the segment). 

Scenario versioning

You can make changes to an active scenario. Each saved change – element added, deleted or replaced – creates another version of your scenario.
This way, you have access to detailed reports of a given scenario, including all changes and when they occurred.
You can access the scenario version in the top panel of the report, in the drop-down box. Each version of the scenario is marked with a range of dates during which it was active.
If you are more interested in the scenario’s runtime than the versions, you can set them in separate fields. After selecting dates, the diagram and statistics will automatically update and display the required data.

Email content statistics

In the List of email content table, click the Reports icon in the last column by the selected content. 

A window with the following statistics will be displayed: 

  • Revenue assigned to this specific message, displayed in your unit’s default currency. 
  • Unique open rate – The number of message recipients who opened a given message at least once. If a recipient opens a given email three times, it is counted as a unique opening. The unique open rate is usually lower than the total open rate, which is counted every time a given email is opened, even if it happens several times. 
  • Unique click rate – The number of message recipients who clicked at least one link in the message. Click rate is the total number of clicks on links in a message. 
  • Sent – The number of messages sent. 
  • Delivered – The percentage of messages that reached recipients’ inboxes. Delivered = Sent – Bounced. 
  • Click to open rate (CTOR) – The percentage of recipients who opened the message and clicked on at least one link in it. 
  • Bounced – The percentage of bounced messages that did not reach their recipients. 
  • Unsubscribed – The percentage of users who unsubscribed from receiving your messages by clicking the Unsubscribe link. 

Below you will find two charts. The one on the left shows you a timeline with a graph of recipient behavior in relation to the email content used in that scenario. From the chart, you can read: 

  • Number of message opens (vertical axis on the left). 
  • Number of clicks on links (vertical axis on the right). 
  • Number of completed orders. 
  • Time during which openings, clicks, and orders occurred (horizontal axis). 

On the right, you can see the daily and hourly distribution that shows you when your message had the most opens or clicks. Use the slider at the top of the chart to switch between the available options.