Logs are a useful tool for tracking what is happening within your account. To access logs, select Auditing from the left-hand navigation.
There are several types of logs which you may view:
Panel logs
Panel logs contain a listing of all actions which system users perform using the panel interface.
The log has the following structure:
- ID: The ID number of the action (actions are numbered consecutively)
- Date
- Url: the address of the system part in which the action took place
- Method: the http method used to carry out the action (GET if the action only retrieves information, POST if any information is sent to the system)
- E-mail: the email address of the user performing the action
- Remote IP: the IP of the user performing the action
- Actions: here you can view some more details, such as the API method status or the user's browser
API logs
API logs contain a listing of all connections to ExpertSender API made within the current business unit.
The log has the following structure:
- ID: The ID number of the action (actions are numbered consecutively)
- Date
- Url: the address of the system part in which the action took place
- Method: the http method used to carry out the action (GET if the action only retrieves information, POST if any information is sent to the system, PUT if any existing resource is updated, DELETE if any resource is removed)
- Status: the http status code of the call
- Remote IP: the IP of the user performing the action
SMS Logs
The log contains information on the SMS and MMS messages which were sent within the current business unit.
The log has the following structure:
- ID: The ID number of the send (sends are numbered consecutively)
- Date
- Message Id: the unique id number of the SMS/MMS message
- Campaign description: the campaign description entered in the message wizard
- Subscriber phone: the phone number of the subscriber
- Gateway name: the name selected by the customer for the gateway during configuration
- Error: the reason for send failure
User logins
The log lists all successful and failed logins to ExpertSender.
The log has the following structure:
Login: the status of the login attempt (successful or failed)
Successful login date: the date and time of the successful login in question
Last failed login date: the date and time of the last failed login of the user
Actions: you can view a more detailed log for the given login attempt which contains information on the IP number