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Get SignalSpam statistics

This function allows retrieving SignalSpam reports. Statistics may be filtered using one or two scopes and results can be grouped.

Please note that this statistic are only available for the units that have SignalSpam reporting turned on.

Request data format

Request URL parameters:

apiKeystringYour API key, required for authentication. Required.
startDatedateStart date. Optional. If not specified, unit creation date will be the start date. YYYY-MM-DD format.
endDatedateEnd date. Optional. If not specified, current date will be taken. YYYY-MM-DD format.
scopestringFiltering scope name. Optional. If not specified, no filtering will be applied.
Available scopes are:
1) Provider – (for example Orange, SFR, La Poste)
2) Ip – IP of channel (for example
scopeValuestringFiltering scope value. Required if scope was specified.
scope2stringSecond filtering scope name.
scopeValue2stringSecond filtering scope value.
groupingstringResults grouping. Optional. If not specified, results will not be grouped.
Available groupings are:
1) Date
2) Month
3) Provider
4) Ip



Response Data element:

SignalSpamStatisticsarray[complex]Array of SignalSpamStatistics elements.

SignalSpam element children:

IsSummaryRowintIf set to true, marks the summary row of statistic table (values are sums of all other rows).
DatestringDate. Returned only if grouping by date was requested.
MonthdateMonth represented as date period. Returned only if grouping by months was requested.
Example: 2010-01-01 : 2010-01-31
ProviderintProvider name. Returned only if grouping by providers was requested
IpintChannel IP address. Returned only if grouping by IPs was requested.
DeliveredintNumber of delivered emails.
ComplaintsintNumber of spam complaints.
ComplaintsRateintRate of spam complaints.
SpamtrapsintNumber of spam trap hits.




OK response:

<ApiResponse xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
            <Date xsi:nil="true"/>
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