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Scenarios automate and simplify communication with the customer at every stage of his or her life cycle, from registering in your online store or signing up for your newsletter, to conversion and beyond. 

Scenarios – Dashboard 

You can access Scenarios in the Automation section, in the Scenarios subsection in the side panel. This is where you find statistics for all your scenarios. 

Statistics are displayed in table form in the following variants: 

  • Scenario list – Contains all your scenarios filtered by category: all, drafts, active, stopped and deleted. 
  • List of email contents – Displays all emails used in your scenarios. 
  • Event list – Displays custom events you have created for your scenarios. 

To switch between these variants, click on their names. 

Can I use a campaign email in the scenario?

You cannot use regular newsletters in the scenarios. You can only use email content created in Scenarios > Email Content > Create New Content.

In the Scenario list table, we display them according to the following statuses: 

  • All – A collection of all saved scenarios. 
  • Drafts – All scenarios being currently built. You can preview, activate, edit, duplicate and remove your scenario drafts from this list. 
  • Active – Scenarios that are in use. You can preview individual scenarios, check their statistics, pause, duplicate or delete them. The only thing you cannot do is to edit them. 
  • Stopped – All your stopped scenarios. Here you can edit and activate them. Be careful with editing as there may be customers who have been added to this scenario but will not be able to complete it after your make your changes. 
  • Removed – Every deleted scenario goes here. You can restore them to the table at any time. 

Each table contains columns: 

  • Status – Displays the current scenario status. 
  • ID – Scenario ID number. 
  • Name – Title given when creating the scenario. In this column you will also find an additional description of the scenario. To see it, hover over the icon next to the scenario title. 
  • Start point – Shows what starting point has been set for a given scenario: sign up, scheduled, on date abandoned browsing, abandoned cart, adding to cart or order. 
  • Revenue – It is displayed in your account currency and shows total revenue generated by a given scenario. 
  • Entered – The number of people who met the starting point conditions and were added to a scenario. 
  • Active – The number of users currently in the scenario. 
  • Exited – The number of users who stopped meeting the conditions of the scenario before reaching the endpoint. 
  • Finished – The number of users who successfully completed the entire scenario. 
  • Last updated – Date of the last change made to the scenario. 
  • The last column contains actions related to scenario management – preview, report, scenario activation, editing, duplicate, delete. The Duplicate action will save the duplicated scenario as a draft. During duplication, you can decide if you also want to duplicate the messages used by a given scenario. 

In the List of email contents table you can see all messages used in the scenarios. They are also grouped by status: 

  • All – Displays a list of all created emails. 
  • Drafts – Emails that are being created. You can edit or activate them in the scenario. 
  • Ready to use – Messages prepared for use in scenarios. Here you can edit them. 
  • In use – A list of emails currently used in the scenarios. 
  • Used – A collection of messages previously used in scenarios. 
  • Deleted – All deleted messages with the option to restore them. 

In this table you can create a message by clicking the Create new content button above the table, on the right-hand side. 

In the List of custom event table you can see the events you created for the Custom Events starting point. They are used to record unusual actions and activities performed by the customer in your online store. 

The Custom events table contains the following columns: 

  • ID – Event identification number. 
  • Name – Your own name for the event, e.g., removal from cart, display of promotion. 
  • Description – Additional information about the event, facilitating its identification or use. 
  • The last column contains custom event management actions, such as LogEdit and Delete

In this table you can create a custom event by clicking the Create new custom event button above the table, on the right-hand side. 

Quick search is available for all lists – you will find the search engine window with filtering options above each table. 

Creating scenarios

Find the Automation section in the side menu, then go to the Scenarios subsection. At the top of the screen, on your right-hand side, click the Create New Scenario button. You can build the scenario in two steps. 

Step 1: Scenario settings

Give your scenario a name and, optionally, a description. Before you start designing the scenario, click the gear icon and set additional options. This will make your scenario more efficient. 

  1. It is mandatory to decide in the Duplicate handling option what will happen if a customer visiting your website is already included in a scenario and comes to it again:
    • Create new instance – The customer will be marked as new, present for the first time in each scenario. This option is selected by default. It’s worth leaving it for scenarios that focus on orders. 
    • Ignore – The customers will be ignored, if they enter the same scenario they are already in. This option will not apply to a client who has completed the scenario and is re-entering it.
    • Move to start – Any existing information about the customer’s presence in the scenario is deleted and replaced with new data. 

We recommend selecting the second or third option if you are implementing an abandoned cart recovery scenario. 

  1. Optionally, in the Exit from scenario when option, choose when to remove a client from the scenario. You can select one or both of the following:
    • Finalized an order – The customer will be removed from the scenario after he or she makes a purchase, based on the transaction data. 
    • Entering a website – The customer will be removed from the scenario after entering the website. 

Click the Save button at the bottom, under the options. 

Step 2: Scenario diagram 

On the screen you see a gray workspace where you can create your scenario. 

Each scenario has a start point and an end point. Between them, you can place any number of stages that the customer should go through. The start and end points are mandatory, without them the scenario will not run.

Start points in scenarios 

The start point is the action performed on your website by the customer, through which he or she ‘falls’ into the scenario and triggers it – e.g., when they abandon browsing your website or sign up for your newsletter. 

These are the start points available in scenarios: 

Main triggers#

  1. Sign up – Customers will enter the scenario after agreeing to be contacted and matching the selected segment. In this point:
    • You will select from the list the type of consent that the customer must give. 
    • You will indicate the segment whose conditions it should meet. Click Select segment to display a list of segments or Create segment to prepare a new one. 
  2. Scheduled – Customers from the selected segment will enter the scenario at specified intervals:
    • Daily – every x days at a specific time or every working day at a specific time. 
    • Weekly – on each selected day/days of the week at a specific time.
    • Monthly – every x months on each selected x day at a specified time or on the first / second / third / fourth / last selected day every x months at a specified time.
    • Cron expression – Allows for a detailed configuration of the recurring running of the scenario. 

Here you can also set the date and time at which the repetition of the previously set cycle will begin. Also, you can select the segment of customers who will enter the scenario. 

3. On date – Customers from the selected segment will enter the scenario on a specific date and time. Here:

  • You can select from the list the type of consent given by the customer.
  • You can indicate the segment to which it should belong. Click Select segment to display a list of segments or Create segment to prepare a new one.

4. Custom event– Customers from the selected segment will enter the scenario after a custom event triggered via the API occurs. You must define such an event in advance in the platform. Also here:

  • You can select from the list the type of consent that the customer must give.
  • You can indicate the segment whose conditions it should meet. Click Select segment to display a list of segments or Create segment to prepare a new one. 

Website activities: #

  1. Abandoned browse – Customers will enter the scenario after they abandon browsing your online store. 
  2. Abandoned cart – Customers will enter the scenario after abandoning their cart. 
  3. Add to cart – Customers will enter the scenario after adding any product to the cart. 
  4. Order – Customers will enter the scenario after placing an order. 
  5. Price drop – Customers will enter the scenario when the price of the product they are interested in has dropped.
    • In the Website field select the store affected by the price drop. 
    • In the Segment field indicate the customer group that will enter the scenario. 

      Next, set the conditions regarding customers, the price drop itself and the product catalog. Information about the price drop will be updated in the scenario based on these conditions. 
    • In the Price changes by at least section, indicate the smallest value of the discount and its type – percentage or amount discount:
      • You can choose one or both conditions. When you select both, the scenario will work when both are met, e.g., the price of the products will drop by 10%, but by no less than 10 PLN. 
      • The currency in this section corresponds to the main currency set in your online store.
    • In the For customers who section, indicate the conditions that the customer must meet to enter the scenario and receive information about the price drop. Select one of two conditions:
      • Customers have the product: in cart, on wishlist. You can choose both options. 
      • Customers: viewed the product, added the product to the cartadded the product to the wishlist. You can select all options. Also, set the time in which customers viewed or added the product (a maximum of 30 days).
    • In the Check for price changes section, set a schedule for checking discounts in the product catalog:
      • Daily – Every number of days the discount will be checked. You can set the range from 1 to a maximum of 31 days. 
      • Weekly – The discount will be checked every week, on the selected day of the week. You can choose one or multiple days. 
      • In the next field, set the time at which discount checking will start. 
    • Optionally, check the Ignore products purchased within last X days section if you want to exclude customers who bought the selected products from the scenario. Set the time that must pass after such a purchase (30 days max.).

Communication channels and events 

After selecting the starting point, a list of channels and events from which the scenario is built will be displayed. 

  1. Channels – A method of communication with the client when he or she reaches the event planned in the scenario.
    • Send E-mail – An e-mail will be sent. You can prepare it here or do it earlier, in the Scenarios > List of email contents > Create new content section. These messages are different from those in the Campaigns section and are created using a separate editor. You cannot use a message that has been used in another scenario, as the message ID can only be used once. 
    • Send web push – a web push notification will be sent to the users of the selected page. You can also set how long the notification should be delivered when the user is offline. The maximum period is 72 hours.
  2. Events – These are actions that you want to initiate for customers in the scenario.
    • Delay – This allows you to temporarily delay the customer from moving to the next event. You can set them for a specific time – in minutes, hours, days, business days and weeks. 
    • Segmentation – it groups customers who are included in the scenario according to previously prepared segments. Each segment creates a separate path in the scenario, which can be individually designed by adding channels and events. You can set up to 10 segments. One of the segments will always be marked as Everyone else – it collects customers who have not entered other segments. 
    • Set data – This allows you to assign or change the value of a customer attribute included in the scenario. Depending on the selected characteristic, you can take the following actions:
      • Set to a constant value – Sets the field to a constant value, e.g., text, numerical value, true or false tag (clothes size, order value, etc.). This option is available for Text and Boolean numeric fields. 
      • Clear value – Cancels the selected feature. 
      • Set to a current date – Is only available for Date fields. 
      • Set to a current date & time – Is only available for Date and Time fields. 
      • Increase by a fixed value – Increases the field value by a constant, e.g., adds 1 to the number of orders placed by customers. Option available only for numeric fields. 
      • Decrease by a fixed value – Reduces the field value by a constant, e.g., subtracts 1 from the number of orders for which customers can receive a discount. Option available only for numeric fields.

Settings for elements added to the scenario

After adding events, channels, or triggers to the scenario, you can change their settings. Remember to save all your changes, otherwise they will not be included in the scenario. 

To add an item, drag and drop it to the desired location. For the start point, click the item you want to replace it with.

To edit an item, click on it. The edit window for this element will appear on your right-hand side. Enter your details and click Save.

To delete an item, click the trash icon on the item.

Endpoints in scenarios

The scenario includes one endpoint with no additional settings. Just like the start point, the endpoint is necessary to run the scenario, so it is a permanent part of every diagram.

Step 3: Start the scenario

Once your scenario is ready, click Save and start in the upper right corner of the screen. 

For the scenario to run, all elements included in it must be completed and properly configured. 

Save as draft will allow you to save and later edit the scenario you have started creating. 

After running the scenario, counters for each stage will start to appear on the diagram. They indicate how many people have passed a given stage and will move on to the next one.

Create a basic scenario

You will find a description of the basic scenario along with tips on using it in the Create your first scenario article.

Scenario statistics

To inspect how your scenario is doing, check the scenario statistics, described in the article: Scenario statistics and email content reports.

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