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Adding custom attributes and consents

Attributes are pieces of information about customers. These data points are used to personalize and segment marketing campaigns.

Custom attributes

In the ExpertSender platform, there are two types of attributes available:

  • System attributes – predefined customer characteristics, like name, email address, last activity or total amount of money spent.
  • Custom attributes – unique customer characteristics that you define yourself.

Both types of attributes help you analyze group behaviors, create more effective customer segments, and target your marketing communication more accurately.

You can add custom attributes before importing customer data. This approach enables you to avoid issues related to incompatible data post-import, such as the need for manual additions and corrections.

Additionally, custom attributes can be integrated via the API. See how to create an API request that includes details about custom attributes.

We use the following system features to store customer data in the platform:

  • ID
  • GUID
  • CRM ID
  • Created at
  • First name
  • Last name
  • First and last name
  • Birth date
  • Email
  • Email MD5
  • Email SHA256
  • Last message (email)
  • Last open (email)
  • Last click (email)
  • Phone
  • Phone number without dialing prefix
  • Dialing prefix
  • Last activity
  • Domain
  • Gender
  • Visitor ID

Not all the attributes listed are mandatory for import. Only those used to identify the customer within the platform and your shop are required. You can specify this data under Settings > Customers > Default matching mode and Required customer information fields. For more details, refer to the Settings – Customers article.

If you prefer to group your customers by attributes not specified in the list above, add custom ones that will better suit your needs.  

Where do I find custom attributes in ExpertSender CDP?

All custom attributes are listed in a grid table in Settings > Customers > Custom attributes.

Each custom attribute is described by:

  • ID – attribute’s identifying number.
  • Name – a brief label that describes the attribute.
  • Display name – replaces the original attribute name in Preference Center.
  • Type – data form, such as text, number, URL, or date.
  • Description – details about the attribute, including how or when to use it.
  • Actions to perform on the attribute: edit and delete.

You can sort attributes by clicking the arrow next to the column name. To filter attributes, click the funnel icon.

Use the dropdown menu below to adjust the number of existing consents displayed in the grid. You can choose to display 10, 20, 50 or 100 consents per page.

How to add a custom attribute?

  1. Go to Settings > Customers > Custom attributes in the main menu.
  2. Click Add custom attribute button. A window opens.
  3. Enter the attribute’s name in the Name field. It will be visible in the grid table.
  4. Optionally, enter Display name in the field below.
  5. In the Type field, select the specific data type for this attribute:
    • String – a set of max. 256 characters; it can be used for attributes such as delivery, preferred day of receiving newsletters.  
    • Text – a longer text information, used for storing information like a customer’s  browser type, brand, or product category.
    • Number – a set of digits, such as a loyalty card number or zip code.
    • Money – a numeric value in currency, like  average transaction value or the highest purchase amount.
    • Date – data in date format, such as customer birthdays.
    • DateTime – data in date and time format, like newsletter subscription dates.
    • Single select – captures a customer’s choice from a list of options, such as gender or  clothing size. Create the list by adding a Name and Value for each option.
    • Yes/No – captures a customer’s choice between two options; like whether to use a  discount code.
    • URL – stores data in the form of website address, such as the source of newsletter subscription.
  6. In the Description field, provide the details about the attribute, such as the marketing campaign in which it will be used.
  7. Select if this attribute should be accessible to the customer in Preference Center. If you grant access, the customer can change the attribute’s setting, like their clothing size or preferred contact method.
  8. Save changes.

The maximum number of custom attributes you can add depends on your unit settings.


Customer consents for receiving marketing communication are crucial for running ecommerce business. Without it is not possible to reach customers with news on sales, new arrivals and price drops in your online store.

Where do I find consents in ExpertSender CDP?

All the consents are listed in a grid table in Settings > Consents.

Each consent is described by:

  • ID – the consent’s identifying number.
  • Name – a brief label that describes the consent.
  • Display name – replaces the original consent name in the Preference Center.
  • Type – general or email-related – describes if this consent is assigned to a specific way of communication.
  • Description – consent details, such as how or when to use it.
  • Required by default for – email messages – indicates if the consent is compulsory for a certain type of communication.
  • Actions to perform on the consent: edit and delete.
  1. In the main menu, go to Settings > Consents.
  2. Click Add consent button. A window will open.
  3. In the Name field, enter the name of the consent. It will be visible in the grid table.
  4. Optionally, enter Display name in the field below.
  5. In the Type field, select:
    • General – if the consent can be used for every communication channel.
    • Email-related – if the consent works only for email communication.
  6. In the Description field, provide the consent details, such as marketing campaign in which it was used.
  7. Next, select:
    • Required by default for email messages – if this consent is compulsory for each email message sent via the platform.
    • Visible in Preference Center – if the consent should be accessible to the customer. Bear in mind that the customer may change its setting, e.g., revoke the consent.
  8. Save changes.

You can import consents into the platform along with your customers’ other data. For more details, refer to the article: Importing customer consents.

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