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Orders, attributes of orders and products

In this section, you can enter the information necessary to properly import your orders to ExpertSender. 

Here you can decide how orders will be linked to a specific customer in the platform. You can choose from three options: 

  • Email 
  • Phone number 
  • CRM ID 

This option is useful for identifying customers who, for example, have an account in your online store, but sometimes make their purchases without logging in (provided that you offer such an option in your e-store). This way, you will not lose the continuity of your customers’ purchase history. 

Order attributes and product attributes

You can add up to 10 features for orders and 10 features for products.

In both tabs, you will find a table with the following columns: 

  • ID – Ordinal number of the attribute, which also serves as its identifier. 
  • Name – Individual description of a given attribute. 
  • Type – Type of data, e.g., integer, date, text, URL. 
  • Description – Additional characteristics of the attribute, e.g., use. 
  • Required – Whether a given attribute is required for import. 
  • Edit or delete an attribute. 

You can sort attributes by any column in ascending or descending order – simply click the red arrow next to the name of the column. 

How to create a new order attribute and product attribute? 

The method of adding attributes for products and orders is the same. 

To add a new order or product attribute, click the Add order or product attribute button located above the table on the right. A new window will open with fields you need to complete. These are the same fields that are later visible in the above-mentioned table. 

  1. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the attribute that will easily distinguish it from others. 
  2. In the Type field, select the data type specific to this attribute. Choose from the following options:
    • String – It means a string of characters, e.g., order status, delivery method. This field can contain a maximum of 256 characters. 
    • Text – This field stores longer text information, e.g., the browser or operating system used by customers, color, brand, or type of product. 
    • Number – This option displays any integer, e.g., the average number of orders in a month. 
    • Amount – This field displays numerical values but in currency, e.g., average order value. 
    • Date – This field stores the date, e.g., the date of the first order. 
    • Date and time – This field stores the exact date and time. 
    • Selection list – It allows you to add, e.g., a type of loyalty card. 
    • Yes/no – This checkbox can store information about, e.g., free delivery. 
    • URL – This field stores the URL. 
  3. In the Description field, enter additional information about the attribute, e.g., in what situation it should be used, for which product segment or promotional campaigns it was created. 
  4. Click Save. The new attribute is now ready and will appear in the table. 
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