Embedded forms
The advantage of forms embedded in the website content is their flexibility. You can design them completely from scratch, perfectly matching your brand image. Whether your website has a minimalist or bold design, these forms can blend into the background so naturally that they become an integral part of the user experience.
Placed at key points on the site, they can collect data discreetly and effectively. Their true power shows in context: they’ll look different next to a product offer, different on a blog, and different again on a services page. However, they’ll always remain friendly, clear, and most importantly, welcoming to your customers.
Before you start creating forms, make sure that:
- The Web Tracking channel has been properly configured. This step requires installing the tracking code on your store’s website.
- Marketing consents are added in ECDP. When filling out the form, the customer will need to give consent for contact. In the platform, you’ll configure the following consents for use in forms: for email messages, for SMS, or general consent. You can add consents in Settings > Consents > Create new consent.
- You have implemented a data layer on your store’s website. Data layer is a code layer on the website that stores and organizes information about your store users’ behavior, such as clicks, form interactions, and placed orders. We send the information available in the data layer to the platform using the aforementioned tracking code.
Embedded form settings
Click Create form > Embedded in a page. In the subsequent editor steps, adjust the form settings:
Basic settings
- Enter the form name. This will help you find the form in the table.
- Select the website where you want to add the form.
- Set the time range during which the form should be displayed to your website visitors.
- Choose the indicators you want to track for this form – UTMs handled by Google Analytics or your own custom parameters.
Form display conditions and audience type
In the After form submission section:
- Decide if you want to show a thank you page to customers who submitted the form. You’ll design this page in the Content step.
- Choose the Hide form option if it should be unavailable to customers who have already filled it out.
- You can also redirect the customer to another page.
- Check the Confirmation message option when you want to send customers an automatic confirmation message immediately after form submission, e.g., confirming their newsletter signup was successful. In this step, you’ll decide whether to send:
- Default confirmation, selected in Settings > Consents > Confirmation messages > Default message.
- Other confirmation, e.g., designed specifically for this form.
In the Conditions section, set:
- Page type – where the form will appear: product page, cart page, payment confirmation page, other.
- Page address – enter keywords, phrases, or domain name elements that the URL must contain for the form to display on it:
- Select the Condition that the value below must meet.
- In the Value field, place the keyword that the URL must contain or enter a URL fragment.
- In the Test value field, enter the address of the page or subpage where you want to test the form. Then click Test and check if the banner displays on the page.
- Session duration – choose minimum, maximum time, or set a time range in which the form should display.
- Number of visited pages – set the number of pages after which the form should display. Also indicate the type of pages the user must have visited for the form to be displayed.
- Check Don’t show form if already submitted when you want to prevent displaying the form to users who have already filled it out and submitted it.
In the Audience section, choose who will see the form:
- New / returning
- Customer / non-customer – whether the form should display to current customers of your store or only to people who aren’t yet your customers.
- Consents – decide how many and which consents recipients must give to be shown the form. You can select one or multiple consents:
- Show to visitors who gave all consents – the form will be seen by visitors who gave all consents you selected.
- Show to visitors who didn’t give consents – the form will be seen by visitors who haven’t given any of the consents you selected.
- Show to visitors who gave any consents – the form will be seen by visitors who gave at least one of the consents you selected.
- Session source – specify where customers who will see the form should come from, e.g., social media, direct website entry.
Position – embedding the form on the page
Choose the place in your e-store where the form will display. CSS selectors will help you with this – you’ll find a short explanation of what they are in the section What is a CSS selector.

In the CSS Selector section, enter the name, ID, or class of the selector that will be the reference point for the recommendation banner. We’ll place the banner on your store’s website according to this selector. How do you find a CSS selector on any page?
- In a separate tab, open the page where you want to place the form.
- Hover over the element on the page relative to which you want to place the form (above, below, or inside the element).
- Right-click on the element and select Inspect from the context menu.
- A window with the page code will open on the right side of the browser.
- You’ll see your selected page element highlighted in blue.
- Hover over it with your cursor, right-click, and select Copy > Copy selector from the menu.
- Go to the form editor and paste the copied text in the CSS Selector section.
- Note whether the id selector is preceded by a hash and the class selector by a dot.
In the Form position relative to selector section, choose its placement on your page relative to the previously selected selector:
- First inside the element – the form will display as the first element in a group of other elements. This can be a fixed module visible on the store page, containing e.g., text, photos, and buttons. The form will display inside such a module, before the elements contained within it.
- Last inside the element – the form will display as the last element inside a group of other elements.
- Before the element – the form will display before a single element, e.g., a text block or product photo.
- After the element – the form will display right under a single element, e.g., a text block or product photo.
- Replace the element – content from the given selector will be replaced with the banner created in ECDP.
Live test – enter the subpage address where you want to display the form and click Test. Check if your designed form displays correctly. Remember that the preview will only work on pages where our tracking script is placed.

What is a CSS selector?
A CSS selector points to a specific element on a webpage, e.g., text or image, but also entire modules composed of many elements, e.g., menu bar, page footer, blog article module, etc.
With a selector, you can find the element you’re interested in within the page code and give it a unique style, e.g., change its color or size.
In forms, the CSS selector is used as a reference point. It indicates relative to which element on the page you can locate the form, e.g., relative to the menu bar or a given product’s image.
The following selectors are used in the forms:
- name – e.g., ‘p’ is an element named ‘paragraph’, ‘h’ is ‘heading’: h1
- id – element identifier, e.g., footer; this selector is always preceded by a hash: #footer
- class – always preceded by a dot: .yellow
Design form content
In the editor’s Content section, you’ll design the form’s content and appearance. You’ll find a ready-to-edit template here, but you can also design your own.
- In the right panel, click the Content section.
- Drag and drop the Header and Text block to the workspace.
- Place the Form block next to the Heading and Text blocks.
- Add an engaging copy.
- Click the block to launch the editing menu in the right panel.
- In the Display conditions section, you’ll set additional rules for how the form should display. If the options available in the Behavior, Conditions and audience, and Position stages are insufficient, you can refine the display method and form behavior here.
- In the Features and consents section, select:
- Attributes (data) of customers you want to collect through the form, e.g., name, email address. If the feature you’re interested in isn’t on the list, you can add it here: Settings > Customers > Customer attributes.
- Consents that the customer must give when submitting the form. You can add consents available in the form here: Settings > Consents.
- Attributes (data) of customers you want to collect through the form, e.g., name, email address. If the feature you’re interested in isn’t on the list, you can add it here: Settings > Customers > Customer attributes.
- In the same section, you’ll set the display order and appearance of fields with features, consents, and the submit button.
What can you do?
- Give a label displayed above the field of a given feature, e.g., email address, name.
- Add helper text that will display in the selected field.
- Decide if filling in a given field is mandatory.
- Add consent name and decide if the consent should be hidden (the consent will be given along with submitting the form, no checkbox and consent statement will be visible int the form).
- Choose what format the consent should display in: radio buttons or switch.
- Set the displayed field width.
In subsequent sections, you’ll set the appearance of the entire form, individual elements, and whether the form should be displayed in desktop or mobile view.

You can find a description of other editor functions in the article: How does the content editor work?
Design the thank you page
In the editor, you’ll also design the thank you page, which is the view that will appear to the customer after submitting the form.
By displaying a thank you page, you’ll confirm data submission to the customer and maintain a positive customer experience in their interaction with your store and brand.
The thank you page will also help you track conversion and campaign effectiveness through traffic analysis.
You can set thank you page display options in the section Conditions and audience > After form submission.
After selecting this option, go to the Content section. Above the workspace, on the left side, you’ll find a switch.

Set it to the After submission position. The thank you page is ready for editing.

This is what a sample thank-you page looks like, consisting of the Heading, Text, and Image blocks.

Measuring the results of your form
We track form effectiveness using two metrics, available in the table in the Automation > Forms section.
- Views – shows the total number of form displays in your set time period, across all subpages of your store.
- Submitted – shows the number of forms filled out and submitted by customers.