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Consents and confirmation messages 

Here you can manage consents given by your customers to receiving marketing communications and the confirmation messages you send to them when they, e.g., subscribe to the newsletter or unsubscribe from your subscriber list.


In the Consents tab, you will find a table with all consents. They are assigned to the channels you use to communicate with customers via ExpertSender, e.g., email. 

Other features visible in that table include the order number (ID), consent Name, Description and whether it is Required by default for given message types. In the last column, you have the option of editing and deleting consents.

Click Create new consent in the upper right corner and fill in the following fields:

  1. Name – name the consent your own name.
  1. Type – select the type of consent:
    • General settings – this type will work if the customer has agreed to be contacted through all the channels you use, or if differentiating between communication channels is not important to you from a marketing point of view.
    • Email-related – if you communicate with your customers mainly by email.
    • SMS-related – if you only use SMS messages to communicate with your customers.
  1. Description – enter additional description or comments.
  1. Required by default for – select in which situations consent is mandatory: 
    • In emails.
    • In text messages.

Click Save.

Confirmation messages 

Here you can create messages confirming, e.g., subscription to your newsletter. Here you can also indicate the default message that will be sent to the client in case you did not create your own version of a specific newsletter, campaign or scenario. 

All confirmations you create are displayed in the form of a table. It contains: 

  • ID – Identification number of the confirmation message, with the filtering option (the funnel icon). 
  • Subject – The subject of the message. 
  • Status – It indicates three states: active (in use), draft and deleted. You can edit and delete active messages except the default one. You can also activate a draft message from the table, but only if it contains a confirmation link. 
  • Default message – It displays which of the created messages is used by default. 
  • Column with actions: preview, activate, edit, duplicate, and delete

Creating confirmation message 

  1. Click Create new confirmation in the upper right corner. 
  1. A simplified message editor will open. 
  1. In the Basic Settings tab, fill in the Subject and From fields. 
  1. Select tracking options. 
  1. Go to the Content tab. 
  1. Design your message using the editor. You will find a detailed description of the editor’s features in the How does the message editor work? article. 
  1. Click Activate in the upper right corner to launch your message. 

That’s all!

If you want to set the message you have just created as your default message, find its title in the table, and make your choice in the Default message column.