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Creating opt-in prompts to collect consent for web push notifications

Before sending your first web push notification to customers, you need to obtain their consent to receive such communication. These opt-in prompts are displayed in the customer’s browser. 

What types of opt-in prompts can you create in ECDP, and how do they differ? 

Double opt-in prompt

Recipients are shown two browser notifications in the following sequence:

  1. Personalized pop-up prompt: this is the first prompt, where you can customize the content and display conditions. Once the recipient accepts this pop-up, the browser displays the next request:
  2. Browser system prompt: this is the actual system-generated request for consent to receive web push notifications.

To successfully subscribe, the recipient must consent by clicking on both notifications.

Key characteristics of a personalized opt-in prompt: 

  • Display control: you have full control over when and where the pop-up appears. You can specify display conditions based on factors such as the specific page, session duration, or the number of pages visited.  
  • Personalization: you have full control over when and where the pop-up appears. You can specify display conditions based on factors such as the specific page, session duration, or the number of pages visited.
  • Enhanced recipient base quality and domain reputation: users are more likely to give consent when they understand its purpose. By highlighting the benefits of consenting in your request, you can improve conversion rates. Keep in mind that some browsers may block notifications if there has been no prior interaction with the site.

Creating a double opt-in prompt

  1. In Settings > Web push > Opt-in prompts, click Create opt-in prompt > Double opt-in
  2. In the Basic settings section: 
    • Assign a name to the opt-in prompt to easily identify it among others.
    • Choose the website where you want to display the prompt.
    • Specify the time range during which the prompt should be displayed.
    • In the Frequency section, determine whether the prompt should appear once per session or at a specified interval.
    • Optionally, enable tracking by adding custom parameters or using Google Analytics.
  3. In the Triggers section: 
    • Choose when the prompt should appear, such as when entering the page, attempting to exit, or scrolling.
    • Specify additional conditions, such as the page address, page type, or session duration, to control when the prompt is displayed.
    • Decide who should see the prompt.
  4. In the Content step, design the initial consent pop-up. This pop-up is fully customizable, allowing you to match it to your brand’s style.
  5. In the Summary section, you will find a preview of the opt-in prompt, along with a list of all configured settings.
  6. Click Activate to start displaying the prompt to your recipients. 

Single opt-in prompt 

In this case, the recipients receive a single system notification from their browser, allowing them to confirm whether they want to receive web push notifications from you.

Key features of a single opt-in prompt:

  • High conversion: single opt-in prompts are highly effective in obtaining user consent.
  • No customization: you cannot modify the content or appearance of this type of prompt.
  • Browser dependency: the display and functionality of the single opt-in prompt are dependent on the user’s browser settings.

Creating a single opt-in prompt

  1. Go to Settings > Web push > Opt-in prompts, and click Create opt-in prompt > Single opt-in
  2. In the Basic settings section: 
    • Assign a name to the opt-in prompt to easily identify it among others.
    • Choose the website where you want to display the prompt.
    • Specify the time range during which the prompt should be displayed.
    • In the Frequency section, determine whether the prompt should appear once per session or at a specified interval.
    • Optionally, enable tracking by adding custom parameters or using Google Analytics.
  3. In the Triggers section: 
    • Choose when the prompt should appear, such as when entering the page, attempting to exit, or scrolling.
    • Specify additional conditions, such as the page address, page type, or session duration, to control when the prompt is displayed.
    • Decide who should see the prompt.
  4. In the Summary section, you will find a preview of the opt-in prompt, along with a list of all configured settings.
  5. Click Activate to start displaying the prompt to your recipients.