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Implementing ECDP Checkout Tracking in Shopify


Before proceeding with the implementation, ensure the following conditions are met:

  1. Enable Special Cookie Settings
    • Additional information must be included in cookies.
    • Contact the ES team to enable this setting.
  2. Upload the Tracking Script
    • The tracking script must be added to the website.
  3. API Requirement
    • This feature functions only when orders are added to ECDP using the API.

Why Is This Request Needed?#

Shopify restricts the execution of external scripts on the checkout page. Without this script, ECDP cannot determine if a session concludes with a purchase. This can lead to issues like false-positive abandoned carts.

By implementing this request, ECDP is informed that a session successfully ends with an order. The order details must be provided using the API.

How to Implement the Endpoint#

Follow these steps to set up the tracking endpoint in Shopify:

  1. Log in to your Shopify Admin Panel.

2. Navigate to: Settings → Custom Events → Add Custom Pixel.

3. Name the pixel: „ECDP Checkout Tracking”.

4. Adjust the permissions as per the reference screenshot.

5. Add the following code to the pixel:

const checkoutRequest = async (e) => {
    let t = await browser.cookie.get("__ecdp_visitor"),
        a = await browser.cookie.get("__ecdp_more_info");

    if (typeof t === "string" && typeof a === "string") {
        let r = JSON.parse(t),
            c = JSON.parse(a),
            o = r.vId,
            i = c.uId,
            d = c.wId;

        if (o && i && d) {
            let n = {
                orderId: e,
                IdentifyRequest: {
                    uId: i,
                    wId: d,
                    vId: o

            await fetch("", {
                method: "POST",
                keepalive: true,
                body: JSON.stringify(n)

analytics.subscribe("checkout_completed", (e) => {
    if ( {

6. Save the pixel and connect it.